
Projects that upgrade to a paid plan get additional benefits.

As an open community platform, Forcefi brings projects and individuals together to explore growth opportunities. Unlike typical BD groups on Telegram and paid alternatives, our platform offers a number of advantages over other solutions:

Access to Curators

At the moment, onboarding a KOL/ambassador team is very time-consuming, especially for those without venture backing. The same is true for quality advisors and core team members. Forcefi solves this.

Through our platform you can connect with Twitter KOLs, experienced advisors, hungry talent, and growth partners, to plan your GTM strategy. Each Curator has their own pricing, but everyone is open to discussion. If your budget is tight, you can onboard just a handful of Curators at a better price, since they receive part of the fundraising fee from our side as well.

Having direct access to Curators is also beneficial when it comes to networking opportunities, as you may get further recommendations and introductions from the people you choose to work with.

Access to infrastructure

When launching your token, you can use your own smart contracts, or build on top of ours to save on costs and time. There is a large number of custom parameters that enable you to organize your activities exactly as you want them. For example, you can allocate specific amounts of tokens to team members, partners, VCs, and whitelisted users, with a cliff and vesting period. You may also do this for Curators, as well as other third parties.

Intros to partners

Forcefi has strong relationships with numerous startup programs, accelerators, VCs, security firms, and agencies. Based on the needs of your project we can make objective recommendations for the best options. We do not put a markup on the price of the agencies, and we are not affiliated with any of them (unless clearly stated during our communication). Our goal is to help you find the best partner to work with.

Access to community

Get access to a large pool of retail investors and VCs looking to invest in early-stage projects. The growth of Forcefi's audience will grow exponentially as we engage with more KOL marketing coming closer to our launch.

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