
The concept of curators is unique to and helps projects build an early team of supporters that can assist them with growth and other types of skills prior to their launch.

Curators review documentation of soon-to-launch projects (usually 1-2 months pre-launch) and apply as candidates to join and help the team.

Users who qualify as curators usually have a degree of influence or a skill that the project can benefit from. They are primarily KOLs, but also include smart contract auditors, engineers SM moderators, journalists, etc.

Alice, a DeFi researcher with a following of 15.000 people on Twitter joins to monetize her skills.

She seeks out upcoming DeFi protocols and reads through their documentation. She is confident that her audience matches that of the project and applies as a Curator.

The team reviews her application and reaches out to discuss the terms of the agreement. They want Alice to make 2 tweets per week about their project.

Alice agrees and becomes a curator of the project. After the token sale is concluded, she gets retroactive rewards from and, optionally, from the project as well.

The scope of Curators

Curators help projects in multiple ways. The scope of help depends on their skills, which they can add to their profile, together with information related to their identity, and services. They can then apply as curators to upcoming projects.

By doing so, curators are able to monetize their influence and skills on a retroactive basis, which creates a win-win situation for both parties.

There is also an option for curators to join a referral program that rewards them for onboarding new projects to our platform. Those who refer a project to our platform cannot apply to become their curator, but keep a share of the registration and fundraise fee.

How are Curators paid? keeps a success fee from each token sale. From that amount, 55% is distributed to Curators who helped the project at its early stage, and founders can decide on the exact allocation.

A project raises $1.500.000 during their public sale. They previously onboarded 10 curators to spread awareness of the sale. After successfully concluding the sale, gets a $ 60,000 commission. From that amount, $33000 is evenly distributed among the 10 curators (each one gets $3300).

There is also an option for projects to indicate:

  • a token allocation percentage that they intend to distribute among Curators following the sale (with custom cliff and vesting period).

  • a token allocation percentage that they intend to sell to Curators at a discounted price (with a custom cliff and vesting period).

Curators, from their side, are able to negotiate a token allocation from the project if they wish to do so. However, this is not mandatory. After an agreement is made, both parties have to execute on their end.

How to become a Curator

During the first quarter following our launch, Curators will be selected on an invite-only basis. Since curators are the face of our service, we want to only onboard the best professionals in each category. These will be handpicked by our team after carefully reviewing their work.

The selected curators will be able to refer 1 additional person, which we will onboard as a curator too. In total, we will onboard 80-100 curators by the time of our launch.

In the following 6 months, we may onboard up to 3 Curators on a monthly basis, after carefully reviewing their backgrounds. This will only be done in cases of repeat disputes, where a Curator does not perform their tasks as required by their agreement with projects.

After the 6-month period, any user that stakes >50.000 FORC will be able to qualify as a Curator. This will give them access to a new profile dashboard that can be filled out in more detail, highlighting their skills, experience, and prior success stories.

Curators can also verify their identity through our partners. In this case, they receive a “verified” label which increases the odds of being onboarded by new projects. There will be more labels and qualifications that Curators can obtain to further increase their credibility and reputation on the platform.

Is there a limit to the number of Curators a project can onboard?

No, but projects need to inform users about the approximate number of curators they are looking to onboard beforehand (i.e. 8-10 or 15-20). This helps Curators understand how much they can earn from a particular project and helps them decide if they want to apply.

Note that larger token sales have a different comission structure, which in turn affects the payment of Curators.

What happens in case of dispute?

In some cases, Curators may promise a particular service and not deliver it. In other cases, a project may promise a token allocation to curators and not distribute it.

If the two parties cannot work out a solution, the final decision on curator fee distribution is up to Forcefi's discretion. Note that we will engage in a thorough investigation of such cases which might result in the flagging of either projects or curators.

If certain curators are involved in recurring disputes, we may consider a replacement, as stated above

What are some other activities that curators can do on the platform?

Curators will have the opportunity to upvote/downvote listed projects based on their personal research, in order to build a trust score for the listed project. This is especially useful for projects prior to their token launch. Curators will also have the opportunity to participate in feedback (group) calls with listed projects to highlight their expertise and offer to teams that really need their help.

Last updated